Pending university funding, the Bearcat Marching Band will pay early arrival housing costs for those who will be living on campus during the school year, beginning only on your assigned report day to camp. Students who wish to move in before their assigned report date (for any reason) will have to pay that additional cost themselves, and should contact residential life to make arrangements: 660.562.1214.
We strongly recommend that you check-in to campus housing as early as possible to maximize the time for moving into campus housing before reporting back to camp. Rehearsals will begin shortly after lunch on the move-in day. We have found that students who arrive at registration early are able to move in to their housing, eat lunch, and report to camp on time with little to no problem.
Northwest’s Campus Dining meal plans, for those who have purchased them, are activated part-way through band camps; before that time several meals will be provided by the BMB. More information will be shared in the weeks before camps begin via email. Students on meal plans should be prepared to facilitate at least one meal a day before meal plans go active. All members not on a university meal plan are responsible for their own meals throughout camps unless we are able to provide them (as referred to above). Dining facilities will be open on campus as well as local fast food, etc.
Freshman Convocation performance uniform: BMB baseball cap, khaki shorts, capris, or pants in good condition (shorts are recommended), tennis shoes, white socks. If an undershirt is worn, it must be Bearcat Green or white.
School-owned piccolos, mellophones, trombones, baritones, sousaphones, and drums will be issued to those who require them; we have a limited supply of woodwind instruments as well (but, if possible, it is recommended that you use your own). Students not requiring a school instrument are encouraged to bring their own. Clarinet and saxophone players must provide their own reeds.
Pending university funding, a BMB t-shirt will be supplied to every member free of charge. Costs for the BMB baseball cap, marching shoes, gloves and smart lyre will be charged to student 919 accounts.
Colorguard members are required to purchase our selected jazz shoes, jazz pants and a wind breaker.
All members of the BMB will be charged a one-time uniform and parka dry cleaning fee at the end of the semester. Costs are market-dependent and will be communicated prior to the charge, which is issued to student 919 (campus) accounts.
Drumline auditions will be held the first day of camp. All potential members are required to audition.
The BMB meets Monday through Friday from 4:10-5:15 p.m. during the Fall semester. Attendance at all rehearsals is required. Members with unavoidable class conflicts must email Dr. Strickland immediately at All members must be registered for one of the two BMB classes (either Academic or Activity Credit).